DAC-08E Fiches techniques |
Numéro de référence | Description détaillée | Fabricant | |
1 | DAC-08E | 8-Bit High-Speed Multiplying D/A Converter DAC 08 SERIES
8 Bit High Speed Multiplying D, A Converter
The DAC-08 series of 8-bit monolithic multiplying Digital-toAnalog Converters provide very high-speed performance coupled with low cost and outstanding applications flexibility.
Advanced circuit design achieves 70 ns settling times with very | ON Semiconductor |
2 | DAC-08ED | 8-bit high-speed multiplying D/A converter | NXP Semiconductors |
3 | DAC-08EN | 8-bit high-speed multiplying D/A converter INTEGRATED CIRCUITS
DAC-08 SERIES 8-bit high-speed multiplying D, A converter
Product data Supersedes data of 1994 Aug 31 File under Integrated Circuits, Handbook IC11 2001 Aug 03
Philips Semiconductors
Philips Semiconductors
Product data
8-bit high-speed multiplying D, A converter
DAC-08 Seri | NXP Semiconductors |
Numéro de référence | Description détaillée | Fabricant | |
ASJD1200R085 | Normally-ON Trench Silicon Carbide Power JFET |
Micross |
B8524 | SAW Components |
BA6343 | Stepping motor driver |
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