74ALVCH162373T Fiches techniques |
Numéro de référence | Description détaillée | Fabricant | |
1 | 74ALVCH162373T | Low Voltage 16-Bit Transparent Latch with Bushold and 26 Series Resistors in Outputs 74ALVCH162373 Low Voltage 16-Bit Transparent Latch with Bushold and 26Ω Series Resistors in Outputs
November 2001 Revised November 2001
74ALVCH162373 Low Voltage 16-Bit Transparent Latch with Bushold and 26Ω Series Resistors in Outputs
General Description
The ALVCH162373 contains sixteen non-i | Fairchild Semiconductor |
Numéro de référence | Description détaillée | Fabricant | |
ASJD1200R085 | Normally-ON Trench Silicon Carbide Power JFET |
Micross |
B8524 | SAW Components |
BA6343 | Stepping motor driver |
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